Providing for the well-being, care, compensation and commemoration of serving and ex-serving defence force personnel and their families.
To provide for the well-being, care, compensation and commemoration of serving and ex-serving defence force personnel and their dependants and promote government and community awareness of the need for a stable and progressive Australia.
- Provide effective and efficient management of the League’s assets and resources for the benefit of its members and of the serving members of the ADF.
- Provide Welfare and Advocacy services to serving and ex-service persons and their dependants.
- Assist all serving and ex-serving men and women in need of support.
- Provide a support base to encourage future membership of the League.
- Support the provision of commemoration and remembrance of those who have served our Country.
- Encourage fellowship and mateship for members of the League.
- Act as an effective lobby group to Government.
- Provide moral and active support for the ADF by:-
- Promotion of fair pay, allowances and benefits for ADF personnel.
- Provision of comfort parcels for ADF members serving overseas by through the RSL Australian Forces Overseas Fund.
- Provision of Honorary membership of the League for the ensuing year for members of the ADF returning from operational or peace keeping duties.
- Promotion of loyalty and pride for Australia, the Crown and the Australian Flag.
- Co-operation with other ex-service organizations.
- Support the education of the Australia’s youth in the achievements of our armed forces.
Company Overview
The League is a national, non-political, non-sectarian organization of returned and ex-servicemen and women formed to promote the interest of the ex-servicemen and women and their dependants.
A Branch is established in each State and the Australian Capital Territory. The governing body of the League is the National Congress. Between National Congresses the National Executive of whom the President… of each State is a Vice-President and member acts in the management of the League’s affairs.
The Returned and Services League of Australia (New South Wales Branch) is a Statutory Corporation having been incorporated by an Act of the New South Wales Parliament, Act 39 of 1935. The governing body of the League in New South Wales between Annual State Congresses is State Council and State Executive between meetings of State Council.
The Returned & Services League of Australia (RSL) evolved as a direct result of the experience of the Diggers of 1914-1918 and their mateship, their post-war needs and welfare, and their sense of what it meant to be an Australian.
General information
The Sub Branch meets on the 1st Monday of the Month
8.00pm at Club Engadine (Engadine RSL & Citizens Club)
For more information contact the Sub Branch on 9548 5106.

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